APT8 Artist Interview: Ramin and Rokni Haerizadeh and Hesam Rahmanian


Ramin and Rokni Haerizadeh are brothers who collaborate with Hesam Rahmanian to construct provocative installations that challenge conventional modes of display and standards of value. Persian street-theatre or Ta’ziyeh is a particularly important influence on their practice, with its use of props, theatricality, cross-dressing and irony.

In the their installation ‘All The Rivers Run Into The Sea. Over.’ / ‘Copy. Yet, The Sea Is Not Full. Over.’ 2015 they recreate a version of their Dubai home-studio, with their own and other artists’ works, found objects and bric-a-brac displayed in an over-the-top, domesticised installation that occupies and consumes the space of the gallery, blurring the boundaries between art and life. Every inch of the room is covered, including walls and floors, with no concern for hierarchy and preciousness. Their medley of influences ranges from satirical folk theatre, illuminated manuscripts, miniature painting and Persian poetry, to modernist art and pop culture.

The Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art (APT)
is the Gallery’s flagship exhibition focused on the work of Asia, the Pacific and Australia.
21 November 2015 – 10 April 2016

Exhibition Founding Sponsor: Queensland Government
Exhibition Principal Sponsor: Audi Australia