Unpack the ‘art speak’ behind contemporary art

Would you drop a Han dynasty urn (c.206BC– 220AD) for art? Watch our Confronting Contemporary Art series hosted by Dr Louise R Mayhew which examines the challenging, intriguing and often confusing concepts and ‘art speak’ behind contemporary artworks. RELATED: Connect with our Virtual Events or Watch our video series. Presenting Partner: HSBC. JOIN IN: Draw Along…

Use your body to express yourself: Draw along workshop

Forget what you’ve been taught about the ‘correct’ way to hold a pencil. Discover some unconventional ways you can use your body to express yourself, through drawing. Watch our virtual workshop presented by artist Dr Bill Platz. Let go of your tight grip on that pencil and instead try attaching your favourite drawing implement to…

Connect with our Yoga and meditation sessions

Take a quiet moment for yourself and experience art in a new light, through our virtual Quiet yoga and mindfulness sessions designed for kids and adults. Filmed within the heart of the Queensland Art Gallery’s Australian Art Collection, these sessions facilitated by instructor Miriam Van Doorn are designed to encourage you to slow down in…