Go behind-the-scenes with our time-lapse videos

Have you ever been to an exhibition at QAGOMA and walked away wanting to know more — for example — how did Qiu Zhijie create his enormous five-storey wall painting Map of Technological Ethics for ‘APT9’; alternatively, what did Ben Quilty use to create a series of site-specific, hand-drawn portraits of Margaret Olley — (teapots,…

Beyond the experience of listening: Céleste Boursier-Mougenot’s musical installation

Céleste Boursier-Mougenot’s installations combine the technical with the aesthetic and sensorial; the artist refers to them as functioning like a ‘dispositif’ rather than an installation. The term, loosely translated as device or structure, foregrounds the potential to engage viewers in both the operational and aesthetic components of a work. From here to ear (v. 13)…