Paul Gauguin’s sculpture reflects his simplified painting style

On display within the Queensland Art Gallery’s International Art Collection, Philip Bacon Galleries (7- 9), the elegant contours of Paul Gauguin’s sculpture Madame Schuffenecker c.1890 (illustrated) reflect the simplified design that is so distinctive in his painting, and which was to become increasingly influential on the work of painters such as Henri Matisse and Pablo…

Woods sculpture celebrated for its formal beauty

Consisting of 30 squared-off tree trunks elaborately carved with a chainsaw and arranged in an orderly open grid, Shigeo Toya’s Woods III 1991–92 (illustrated) on display at the Queensland Art Gallery until 27 January 2025 is celebrated for its formal beauty as well as its poetic and philosophical allusions. For Toya, the recesses and crevices…

Photogrammetry: 3D imaging of Fred Embrey’s ceremonial figure

As part of QAGOMA’s Digital Transformation Initiative (DTI), the Gallery’s photography team collaborates with conservators, coders and designers in its quest to make the Collection available to everyone. One way the DTI team improves how we understand, care for and represent artworks is through 3D digital capture. Made possible at QAGOMA through the support of…

Fairy Tales: Curiouser & curiouser!

Just as the woods are a recurrent setting in classic fairy tales, gardens are important to many stories told since the nineteenth century. Expectations of gardens as picturesque and orderly are often subverted in these tales. Following the White Rabbit into Wonderland, Alice remarks ‘curiouser and curiouser!’ at her strange surroundings; and Dorothy passes through…

Fairy Tales: Life at the margins

In the world of the fairy tale, witches and crones are not the only characters who generate mistrust and fear — ‘others’, outsiders and so-called misfits pushed to the margins of society, figure prominently in many tales. In these stories, people living outside the norm are branded as villains or monsters. The Beast from ‘Beauty…

Inside out: Anish Kapoor

Born in India, Anish Kapoor has a rich cultural heritage through his Indian and Jewish ancestral lineage and his mainly British art education. He has been one of the most acclaimed sculptors working in Britain since completing his academic studies in 1979. Although currently based in London, Indian materials and ideas maintain a strong presence…