Jenny Watson: Private views & rear visions


This year, the QAGOMA Foundation Appeal invites support for the acquisition of leading Australian artist Jenny Watson’s extraordinary Private views and rear visions 2021–22. Until 7 July 2024, visitors to the Queensland Art Gallery can view this important work in Gallery 1.  Flashes of distant memories and glimpses of recent events are writ large in…

Anna Schwartz reflects on Joel Elenberg’s work

During a visit to the Gallery to view works by Joe Elenberg (1948‑80), Australian gallerist Anna Schwartz reflects on the creativity of the Australian artist and their shared life together, with a focus on QAGOMA’s commanding marble sculpture Totem 1979 (illustrated). Currently on display until 3 August 2025 at the Queensland Art Gallery in the…

The treasure of ephemera: One artist’s story

As ‘mudunama kundana wandaraba jarribirri: Judy Watson’ opens at the Queensland Art Gallery, the QAGOMA Research Library unpacks the Judy Watson Artist File. Here, we explore some of the treasures of this artist’s ephemeral journey so far, from an invitation to the artist’s earliest solo exhibition — ‘bath icons’ (1986) (illustrated), held at Gippsland Institute…

Women of the Central Desert, South Australia

Two large-scale paintings by Indigenous women from Central Desert communities in South Australia are currently on display in ‘Seeds and Sovereignty’ at the Gallery of Modern Art until 18 August 2024. Wawiriya Burton’s Ngayuku ngura – My Country 2018 and Nellie Ngampa Coulthard’s Tjuntala Ngurangka (Country with Acacia Wattle) 2018 are vibrant compositions that hum…

Go back in time when a paddock became a Brisbane township

The suburb of Kingston, in the City of Logan to the south of Brisbane, was named after one of the first European land owners, Charles and Harriet Kingston. Kingston and his family arrived in Australia from England in 1857 and eventually the couple took up a selection of Crown land in 1872. Early industry was…

Bitter sweet

Truth-telling has become an integral act of educating the wider community about colonialism and systemic racism. Truth-telling allows for the reshaping of past narratives and acts as a stepping stone to a future that elevates diverse voices and a process of healing. Jasmine Togo-Brisby is a fourth-generation Australian South Sea Islander woman, artist and truth-teller.…