2012: GOMA turns 10 countdown

In 2012 the Gallery showcased major new acquisitions installed throughout the ground floor of GOMA. ‘Sculpture is Everything’ (18 August – 28 October 2012) explored the extraordinarily diverse and surprising field of contemporary sculpture — from found objects to kinetic structures, from monuments to installation and land art, from pop assemblages to ritual objects. Form,…

‘Marvel: Creating the Cinematic Universe’ comes to GOMA

QAGOMA will present the major exhibition ‘Marvel: Creating the Cinematic Universe‘ exclusively at GOMA from 27 May 2017. The exhibition will follow Thor, Iron Man, Captain America and their comrades and adversaries from comic book page to cinema screen in the first major Marvel-related exhibition to be staged in Australia and the largest ever presented…

All about the bilum

For centuries, the bilum bag has been made from natural fibres native to Papua New Guinea. Strips of leaves, grasses or tree bark are battered and scraped until the plant matter becomes fibrous then dried in the sun. Once dried, fibres are twisted between the hand and thigh into a single strong yarn. This is…

Benjamin Law shares his story of growing up with GOMA

Hear what GOMA means to Benjamin Law, GOMA 10 Ambassador. Benjamin sits in GOMA’s official ‘GOMA turns 10′ Ambassador chair, the QTZ limited edition GOLD by designer Alex Lotersztain Benjamin Law is a Queensland-born, Sydney-based journalist, columnist and screenwriter best known for his two books The Family Law (2010) and Gaysia: Adventures in the Queer East (2012). A television adaptation…

2011: GOMA turns 10 countdown

What were you doing in 2011 when GOMA was the exclusive Australian venue for ‘Surrealism: The Poetry of Dreams’ (11 June – 2 October 2011), a landmark exhibition of surrealist works from the Musée national d’art moderne, Centre Pompidou, in Paris. The exhibition presented more than 180 works by 56 artists, including paintings, sculptures, ‘surrealist…

2010: GOMA turns 10 countdown

As we continue our yearly countdown from 2006 to GOMA’s tenth birthday in December 2016, we highlight the exhibitions in 2010 that Brisbane embraced… do you remember ‘21st Century: Art in the First Decade’ (18 December 2010 – 26 April 2011) which marked the end of the first decade of this millennium? This ambitious and…