Drowned Mercedes

The exhibition ‘Michael Zavros: The Favourite’ featured the ambitious new sculpture Drowned Mercedes 2023 (illustrated), for which Michael Zavros has filled the cabin of a classic 1990s Mercedes-Benz SL convertible with water. Michael Zavros ‘Drowned Mercedes’ 2023 The most immediate interpretation might be that the car has been ruined through neglect, vandalism or an unusual…

eX de Medici: Human skulls & helmets, signs of mortality

Exploring the 40-year career of leading Australian artist eX de Medici, ‘Beautiful Wickedness’ focused on her meticulous, panoramic watercolours and traces the genesis of her practice through formative artworks. Throughout her practice, de Medici has remained true to her early Punk principles — a suspicion of authority, an ethos of political agitation and a disrespect…

Meet our canine friends

In an array of breeds, shapes and sizes, from wild dogs, to the valuable working dog, and the unconditional love of the house dog, QAGOMA has it all — so we’ve selected just a few artworks on display — we’ll let you find even more when you next visit us, plus we’ve added some of…

Michael Zavros: Horses, centaurs & the mystique of the cowboy

Michael Zavros was an Australian national showjumper as a teenager, so thoroughbreads are in his blood. During the Royal Queensland Show — which locals have affectionately shortened the name to ‘Ekka’ — we look at a range of works that delve into the artist’s interest in horses, including centaurs and the mystique of the cowboy.…

Michael Zavros: The symbolic subject

In recent years, still life has been a pillar of Michael Zavros’s painting practice. Before you peek at the artwork titles below, look closely at these opulent arrangements of fruits, flowers, and vases on pristine white canvases as they conjure all kinds of animals. These works recall the fantastical proto-surrealist portraits of sixteenth-century Italian painter…

eX de Medici: Symbolism

Despite eX de Medici’s proclivity for privacy, she is no shrinking violet. In lieu of a conspicuous public profile, she is content to let her artworks proclaim her outrage at the endemic violence and political hypocrisy she sees unfolding around her. As an artist and tattooist who began studying in the early 1980s, and whose…