2017: That’s a wrap!

2017 has been a huge year for both the Queensland Art Gallery (QAG) and Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA). This can be attributed to GOMA’s tenth anniversary program beginning the year, our Family Festival during ‘Sugar Spin: you, me, art and everything’, and ‘Marvel: Creating the Cinematic Universe’. We can also look forward to strong attendances…

Alick Tipoti, Kala Lagaw Ya people, Australia b.1975 / Kudusur 2017

Watch Alick Tipoti create his mural ‘Kudusur’

‘Kudusur’ translates as ‘poling with elbow’. This work is Alick Tipoti’s interpretation of the spiritual ancestors, Thoegay and Kang, know to his people as the Zugubal. Thoegay and Kang are two brothers, who extend their elbows and use them as paddles for their canoe. Keen-sighted Thoegay sits at the front, and Kang is blind and sits at…

Noel McKenna, Australia b.1956 / Big Things, Australia 2004

Noel McKenna maps Australia

As a career artist since the early 1980s, Noel McKenna has honed what is best described as an idiosyncratic vision in paint, print and the occasional ceramic. Those who are already aware of his practice will know that his regular subjects include napping pets, cats and dogs begging for food at the table, watchful birds,…

Immerse yourself in Gerhard Richter’s life of images

Over more than half a century, Gerhard Richter has demonstrated a remarkable command of diverse art forms, in particular painting, he is widely considered one of the world’s most influential living artists. Hear from experts and curators as they highlight aspects of the German artist’s practice. Immerse yourself in his work In his career-long exploration of…