Alick Tipoti, Kala Lagaw Ya people, Australia b.1975 / Kudusur 2017

Watch Alick Tipoti create his mural ‘Kudusur’

‘Kudusur’ translates as ‘poling with elbow’. This work is Alick Tipoti’s interpretation of the spiritual ancestors, Thoegay and Kang, know to his people as the Zugubal. Thoegay and Kang are two brothers, who extend their elbows and use them as paddles for their canoe. Keen-sighted Thoegay sits at the front, and Kang is blind and sits at…

Helen Johnson, Australia b.1979 / Women’s work (1902) 2017 and Women’s work (1912) 2017

The power of a Collective and the power of a vote

Future Collective member Belinda Elderton reports on the art, the tough decisions, and the collective camaraderie of the group’s recent project pitch event At a time when the marriage equality survey is causing the Australian people to question the value of their vote, the QAGOMA Future Collective members demonstrated the uplifting power of democracy at our annual…

William Dobell, Australia 1899-1970 / The Cypriot 1940

William Dobell’s ‘The Cypriot’ shares its secrets

William Dobell (1899-1970) is an artist recognised for his portraits and for often embellishing his sitter’s appearance to draw out their most distinctive traits. The model for The Cypriot 1940 was Aegus Gabrielides, a Greek Cypriot waiter who worked in a London café frequented by Dobell and his fellow Slade School students in the 1930s. Go…

Dale Harding working on his commission Wall Composition in Reckitt’s Blue

View the installation of Dale Harding’s wall composition

View the installation time-lapse of Dale Harding’s Wall Composition in Reckitt’s Blue 2017, specially commissioned for the Australian art collection. Aboriginal painting represents at least 99 per cent of the timeline of Australian art-making, with a verified history dating back some 28 000 years. Thousands of rock galleries throughout the landscape carry the signs of such…

Aleks Danko, Australia b.1950 / DAY IN DAY OUT (second version) 1991

Aleks Danko: What time is it?

DAY IN DAY OUT (second version) 1991 by Aleks Danko has recently been installed in the reimagining of the Australian collection at the Queensland Art Gallery. This important and enduringly captivating work is for the first time, given a place in a ‘permanent hang’ of the Australian collection in a context which is both diverse…

Australian art, Fiona Foley, Australia b.1964, Badtjala woman 1994

We use art to question what we know

Telling the Story of Australian Art in new and innovative ways Swedish-born artist Oscar Friström’s Duramboi 1893 depicts James Davis, a young convict sent from Scotland to Australia. Davis escaped from a Moreton Bay penal colony in 1829 and lived with several Indigenous groups in the area, particularly on Fraser Island (where he was known as…